Saturday, 21 April 2012

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?

Technology was very useful in the process of our trailer making, the poster and the magazine. Technology such as the computer was used in the process of producing online survey for quantitative data from our target audience. I was able to create questions for them on the PC to answer. When I got the results I used excel to create graphs from every question answered that way I was able to compare and understand my target audience fully. Without Microsoft word and Excel I would have to approach the target audience with a face to face interview which could make them feel uncomfortable with some questions about illegal downloading. They may therefore not give me the necessary and honest answer in case they think a favourable answer might impress me as the interviewer.

The internet was useful in looking at other trailers, magazines and poster and analysing them to understand the codes and conventions of these media content. Through deeper and further research analysing all three content I was able to understand the process of making a trailer, magazine and poster to appeal to my target audience. The Gorzone magazine gave me ideas on how to construct my own horror magazine by having limited chorus which are dark reds and black as they have connotations of death and horror, simple fonts and eye catching centred image. Without the internet it would have been difficult to do research to understand our task more. Everything we have produced a computer was involved. All the writing we did was through Microsoft words, the pictures of front cover magazines and posters which I analysed were from the internet. We could not even film our trailer without the video camera provided by our school. The sound recorded and used we needed a studio for that and that was very useful as it rose up the scale of professional editing for our trailer.  At school we used editing software called serif which allowed us to add special effects in out trailer such as cutting unnecessary scenes, change the colour of a shot, speed up a scene and so forth.

Planning was very useful before starting our trailer. We had to use paper story boards with music to understand the form and shape of the trailer. The story boards helped us to know what needed to be done, what scenes needed to be shot and getting the right equipment and right angle when filming. Through the storyboards we were able to get the right clothing on certain days and the right actors. Call Sheets were also useful in the process of keeping everyone in the group informed on the filming schedule. 

 At the early stages of our filming the weather was against us. it was freezing cold, dump and wet and occasionally it will rain. Our actor's were very sympathetic and determined to do the job well done by not complaining but going ahead with the shooting through freezing weather. In this shot i am filming a victim (Harry) running away from the killer Holly (Rose).

 The actors had to repeatedly redo the same scene over and over again to get the right shot when we began to edit. it was time consuming but worth it in the end. this photo is of Holly looking into the camera to kiss the lens as shown in the trailer. the actor Rose was slightly nervous but she enjoyed every minute of it.
 one of the best things about filming the trailer was the make up we had to use. it was interesting seeing how effective a few fake blood can look so conviencing when recorded. Harry was one of the victims in the trailer and a member of our group. the make up looks realistic and eye catching creating a sense of horror. this is a good affect for our trailer as it shows we considered every detail in our filming and wanted the best result. although we are not professional actors and directors we aimed to look the part.

 This is me in the recording studio recording sound effects to go with out trailer. I recorded a few dialogues and sound of kissing which was interesting. It was a bit nervous but enjoyable at the same time as it felt as if this was a real movie we have been working towards for so long.
This is my media teacher who helped us with the voice over as he certainly does have a nice masculine voice for a voice over to build tension and excitment for the audience whilst watching the trailer.


<div style="width:477px" id="__ss_12863776"> <strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href="" title="Templates" target="_blank">Templates</a></strong> <iframe src="" width="477" height="510" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <div style="padding:5px 0 12px"> View more <a href="" target="_blank">PowerPoint</a> from <a href="" target="_blank">rosaliekaj9</a> </div> </div>
Before creating the magazine I went about to create three silhouettes of the front cover magazine in different colours. This way I was able to select and choose on the appropriate colour scheme. I also got some helpful criticism from my fellow class members who advised me to select the silhouette with the colours black, red and white. These colours has connotation of danger, horror and blood to reflect the kind of mood I am trying to create for the horror film fans.  

Serif Photoshop was extremely useful in creating the magazine and poster. I was able to crop, enhance and level up colour tone of the centred image, air-brush and changing the back group of the centred image. Serif made creating the magazine much easier and quicker. Moreover I was able to add text to emphasize the codes and conventions of a magazine. I did not include other images of featured stories on the front cover as I wanted the centred image to dominate the magazine.

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